YXF-C系列 制动衬片小样台架摩擦试验机Chase Friction Testing Machine
制动衬片摩擦性能小样台架试验机,也称为 CHASE 摩擦试验机。是用于小样品试验的一种试验机,参照美国标准 SAEJ661 试验规范改进设计,符合最新的国家标准 GB 5763-2018、GB/T 17469-2012。
该机用于测试制动系统中摩擦材料的摩擦性能,适用于 M1、M2、N1、O1、O2 类车辆使用衬片的小样台架试验,广泛应于产品配方研究,生产过程中产品质量控制及出口产品质量认证等。
Chase friction testing machine is used to evaluate the frictional characteristics of material in braking system in accordance with the SAE J661,GB 5763-2018 and GB/T 17469-2012.
Chase machine is suitable for small bench test of M1, M2, N1, O1 and O2 vehicles brake linings. This machine is widely used for product formulation R&D, Quality control and Certification etc.
以一个恒定压力将被测试样压在以某一速度旋转的摩擦鼓的内表面上,因而沿接触表面的切线方向将产生一个摩擦力,通过对压力和摩擦力的测定便可确定出被测样品的摩擦系数。CHASE 摩擦试验机在试验过程中,依要求随时控制温度变化,采用鼓外环辅助加热管加热和背部吸风冷却,这样使试样处的温度变化平稳,温度测量精度更高。
A constant pressure is applied to the sample,which will be pressed against the inner surface of the friction drum which rotates at a certain speed, so a friction force will be generated along the tangent direction of the contact surface. The friction coefficient of the tested sample can be determined by measuring the pressure and friction force.
During the test, the CHASE friction testing machine controls the temperature change at any time according to the requirements. The drum outer ring is used to assist the heating tube heating and the back suction cooling, so that the temperature change at the sample is stable and the temperature measurement accuracy is higher.
1. 采用气动伺服加载,加载控制精度高
2. 摩擦鼓升温速度可调,以适应不同的试验要求及不同的气候条件
3. 主轴转速在0~1000rpm之间可以随意设定
4. 压力载荷可达2000N。
5. 该试验机采用计算机自动控制,试验过程程序化,试验结果自动记录, 数据经计算机处理、存诸、并通过打印机打印试验报告。
• Loading by Pneumatic servo with high precision control.
• Temperature of brake drum is adjustable to adapt to different test requirements and different climatic condition.
• Rubbing speed can be set freely between 0 and 1000 RPM.
• The maximum load is up to 2000N.
• This machine is controlled by PC. Speed, loads, temperature and test time can be preset by software. Test results are saved in computer.
GB 5763-2018《汽车用制动器衬片》
GB/T 17469-2012《汽车制动器衬片摩擦性能评价 小样台架试验方法》
SAE J661《制动器衬片质量测试程序》
SAE J866《制动衬片摩擦系数认定和环境标记》
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